im seriously pissed off dengan ulat tiket yang semakin bermaharajalela.ive become a victim!never in my three (3) years naik bas, i got cheated. the name is Eagle Express (EE)..there,ive said it.the bus is in good condition, spacious and all.satisfied.but then on 27th friday evening,i bought a ticket to shah alam for one person from a guy who clearly sit in the ticket counter.same routine..confirm date,check for ticket availability,exchange ticket and money,check again and confirm it before walk away.since i studied here in shah alam,ive been going back and forth to JB and shah alam with EE for 3 times already..on 29th at 12:30,i happily said my gdbyes to abah and mama and board the bus.ive exchange sits for 2 times..first,because a family wanted to sit near together..second,because an indian auntie refuse to change her seat,so i sit beside her.when its time to check the ticket,the conductor wouldnt accept my ticket and asked me to check again at the counter.i checked with one of the staff there,and was taken aback with the rudeness displayed.abah came to the counter and asked again.a guy mention "ni tiket man yang jaga..."...clearly,someone knew the guy ive been dealing with.when asked again,they deny it but claim to know the jerk and abah waited for a good half an hour but came to no solution.abah then go to the other counter that he seem reliable and trusted and bought me a new ticket at 2pm.while waiting for the bus,me and my parents went for a drink because i think abah need to cool down a bit..then,abah began..
abah:kakak,betul ke kamu beli dekat kaunter?kamu ni macam2 la,senang kena tipu.
me:macam jihan tak tau beli tiket..macam biasa la.da 3 tahun.selama kat shah alam ni pun pegi balik JB-shah alam dengan EE.
mama:macam mana kamu ni,nasib baik mama dengan abah belum pegi.
me:ma,jihan beli dekat kaunter,bukan dengan orang yang bersepah2 jual tiket.jihan deal dengan staf dalam kaunter tu sendiri.sebelum abah sampai,jihan cakap la "
saya deal sendiri dengan staf dalam kaunter..." pastu,ade la sorang perempuan kat situ cakap "
sesiape je bole masuk kaunter.." ..jihan balas la "
bukan orang yang ade authorization je ke bole masuk?"..dia senyap je,nak sentap2.
abah:da,abah nak adu kat persatuan least kite tak senyap camtu je.lain kali,tengok betul2.
quietly curse the jerk repeatedly)then,abah recheck the ticket..
abah:cuba tengok tiket ni,sepatutnya company print harga atas tiket tak,main tulis je..
showed some of the previous tickets that i still kept)..(
then remembered) a'ah bah,macam transnasional buat
mama:abes tu,kenapa kamu tak naik transnasional??
me:sebab masa dia limited..bas kurang selesa (
sengeh...)(dialog ni lebih kurang je,tapi itu yang me and my parents borak after the incident)seriously,i hope theres no other victims after this..i can imagine the jerk happily buying stuff with my money..ugh!!i did not point fingers to the company but hope that they will be more responsible and teach the staff not to be rude to the customers.if there is no customer,there will be no business ohkay???