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Sunday, April 19

back again

i bought ticket to go back to shah alam tomorrow..TRANSNASIONAL at 9.30am.arriving approximately at 6pm..later,im goin out to KL with bunch of friends for gathering.dunno what to wear.
(gonna go through my closet for a good half an hour to decide what to wear)

im currently surfing youtube on some make up tips for the perfect smokey eyes look.i dont want it to be slutty,i want it mysterious and make my eyes look bigger and pop!
later gonna try it.
i love make rather good at painting FYI.arts is my fave subject apart from english and geography.i used to take english literature when i was in lower 6 in SIGS (all girls school) with ann
we studied HAMLET that time with sir Ismail who is also my neighbour.hee~

p/s:ann,what are we goin to do this sem break??


  1. been there... tried to look up youtube to learn make up properly.. not working. i guess you got to practice till you get it right. though your make up is wayyyy better than mine. i didn't know you paint?? load some of your work lah.


your comments are appreciated and i will try to reply them a.s.a.p