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Tuesday, April 7

HR test

today we got HR test..rather difficult,i dont understand why ann chose HR as her major..(sila jawab cik ann...)my goodness..lain yang dibaca,lain yang dijawab.i hope i get good mark.i worked hard for i have 2 classes,HR and Mgt.both are the last class for each subject for this left with finance,personal development,law and marketing only...during management,wan couldnt help teasing nas,and she would call him 'bongek' over and over again which makes me laugh during mgt and resulted to me couldnt focus much.luckily this is the last topic - Islamic Management Perspective.short and simple.


  1. sorry..
    he cant stop from being bongek!
    i saw ur answer paper.
    nampak pandai.
    so,ok la!

  2. jiji..leen nie...gonna link2 you..

  3. eleh! x leh focus konon..
    klu x tease si nas 2 pon..
    u x focus kn?

  4. to nas..
    i x ley jwb la mostly.

    to leen..
    i like your page.go pink!

    to untebetine..
    mane ade,bole focus je.sebok je pandang2 belakang.


your comments are appreciated and i will try to reply them a.s.a.p