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Monday, March 18

meme builder

Created this using meme!

Thursday, March 14

in quest for true love

Been thinking a lot today...looking back, I fall in love without thinking because to me it is the matter of heart, no thinking needed...just do it. I was wrong, I should have think it through not just follow my heart desire. I am done being loyal when it comes to love...I should and need to be loyal to the one I shall marry. For now, I shall open my mind and heart...falling in love as much as I can until I found the one. 

I'm not afraid to fall in love, I'm just afraid of hitting the ground when its over. 
Find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest, lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a heart that will love you at your worst. Only then will you have found your true love.
You're going to fall in love so many times before you find the one you will be with forever. So think of it this way: You're just one broken heart to a happily forever after.

Tuesday, March 12

the 8 questions

1. If I saw you, I would …
smile sheepishly because my heart is pounding not knowing how are we going to do this

2. If we were to talk, we would talk about …
our future together

3. I like you as …
the way you are, no doubt...nothing is gonna change my love for you

4. We should …
definitely be married, complete each other

5. In the future, I can see me and you …
in our house surrounded by our children and a cat

6. I’m following you, and you’re following me, so why don’t we …
just stay together

7. I’ve always wanted to tell you …
that I really am in love with you like I never loved a man before

8. I like you because …
you have started to fill the emptiness in me

finally you showed up...because I..

Thursday, March 7

mistake and regret

I'd rather be slapped in the face than hearing those words coming out from your mouth. It's tearing me inside, I wronged you I know...I'm trying to forget and move on but after today it seems more difficult. I don't know anymore if I could go on.

Wednesday, March 6

bye job...hi love...

Been awhile since I last blogged...lost my passion a bit since the work kept holding me back, such an attention seeker! Finally, the decision made! I QUIT MY JOB JUST BECAUSE THE PASSION BURN

Yup, that's it...I had it! Done...The experience was seriously worth it but you definitely cannot buy food with experience. It wasn't enough, I got loads to pay, my study loan...saving and all..I want to buy a house and a car damn it!I don't care if people thought I was stupid, stubborn and selfish. I had enough.

I left the job even before I got a replacement because the job requires money instead of giving me some.
I was stubborn because patience has it limits.
I was selfish because I don't want to think about others no more...I want to think about myself. I wanted to be selfish, I would have leave the post long time even without considering to leave for 2 weeks.

Honestly...I lost a job but I gain new love. Well, not actually new old flame ignite. Stronger love than ever, praying hard he is the one.