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Saturday, September 14

simple things that help to slow down the aging process

1. Wear sunscreen/sunblock

Apart from helping to prevent skin cancer, daily use of sunscreen slows the aging of skin that is caused by the sun's ultraviolet rays. But it is not 100% effective, thus it is best to seek shade and avoid sunlight at its strongest - if needed to be under the harsh sunlight, wear sunglasses or long-sleeved (yeah, Malaysia is hot but preventing is way better than curing)

How to read SPF (sun protection factor) in sunscreen?
The number on the sunscreen bottle indicates how longer our skin can be exposed to the sun without burning - thus, SPF30 means skin can be in the sun 30 times longer without burning than it could be without sunscreen. According to American Academy of Dermatology, recommends SPF30 or greater and should be reapplied every 2 hours.

2. Deal with stress

How does stress helps to quicken aging process?
According to Dr.Vivian Diller, "When we're under ongoing stress, it creates a fight-or-flight reaction and thus resulted to stress chemicals released into the body which creates biological changes. If one have a life filled with constant stress, little by little the body is breaking down".

That is why, vacation is important. After slaving yourself away with workload, going for a relaxing vacation may be able to help you deal with stress. By planning a vacation, you are able to look forward to fun,relaxing,stress-free holiday, and keep telling yourself "it's okay, soon I'll be on a happy vacation" when you have a hard time at work.

Another way to deal with stress is to get a much needed SLEEP. Sleeping is the time when our body is in repair mode - this is the time when we produce growth hormone which is a key factor to remaining youthful.

3. Anti-aging foods

  • omega-3-rich fish
According to Artemis P. Simopoulos, author of The Omega Diet, omega-3 fats from fish act on area of the brain that leads to improved mood and attitude which lead to feeling healthier and more vigorous. Fish like salmon and tuna have the most potent anti-inflammatory effects.
What is inflammation? - it is the body's attempt at self-protection. When inflammation persists, or serves no purpose, it damages the body and causes illness.
  • dark chocolate
Cocoa beans have high antioxidant that helps increase circulation in the skin and improve its ability to retain moisture which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.
Why dark chocolate and not any other kind of chocolate like milk chocolate?
It is because the refining process involved in making other kinds of chocolate strips away most of the skin-benefiting antioxidants flavanols.
  • berries
They are rich in antioxidants which promote cell health and anthocyanins which help to protect against cancer and diabetes. Darker berries have the highest concentration of antioxidants that provide best anti-aging benefits. Apart from that, berries are good source of vitamin C which is good for skin as it helps repair damaged body tissues.

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