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Wednesday, June 26

a photo of me and eleven random facts

Excerpt from a blog tag game.

  1. I am easily annoyed with mostly the things people do for example when they stop abruptly in the middle of a busy sidewalk or chew with mouth open.
  2. The only singer I will not get bored of listening to is Mariah Carey, my most fave is Hero.
  3. I love movie/tv show with medieval theme such as Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
  4. The only country I have ever been to (except my birth country) is China and the realization of being in China only hits me when I saw the Great Wall of China.
  5. I hate the smell/taste of anything coffee.
  6. I am jobless when I post this entry – been trying to get a job not that my resume is not impressive but it's not great either...just average.
  7. I am a very bad driver, I prefer sitting in the co-pilot seat.
  8. I love masculine-themed interior décor.
  9. I've eaten worm and given a toad a bath during a team-building event without hesitation – looking back, I don't understand how on earth I manage to do them, maybe I was annoyed with the crap activities the facilitators made us do/I'm just tired and want to get it over with quickly. Overall, quite enjoy it, kinda.
  10. I like smart guy over good looking guy.
  11. I don't know how to swim because I'm afraid of the deep water but ironically, I would like to scuba-dive one day.

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